Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I am not the only one who wants to be myself.

 Putting people into two different groups and judging them for their cast, do you think it is the only way for making the world live in peace? Peace doesn't mean segregation.

(I picture of me in Smoke.)

I am Shay and I am a sixteen-year-old girl who lives in the Special Circumstances' community that uses the system for making us live in peace. I know that no one was pretty or ugly in the past. This system and its operations that make us pretty changed everything. It's stupid that you have to live your life in another personality with a new outlook at the age of sixteen.
"Once we turn; it's new pretty, middle pretty, late pretty, then dead pretty."
 I remember the time I told this to Tally, who is my best friend and who wants to take the name, Tally-wa. She really likes having fun as I do, but she thinks that having fun without taking the operation is impossible. I believe that you do not have to take the operation to be yourself. After transition from an Ugly to a Pretty, there isn't a way to turn back.So just be who you are and avoid taking the operation. 

Furthermore, there are any differences between pretties and us. One of such differences is the names. If you want to be Ana-ya or Billy-wa, go ahead. Go and take the operation but I just want to tell that when you become middle pretty, no one will call you Billy-wa. They will call you just Billy, as they call you Billy when you are ugly, because the middle pretties never talk like that. There aren't any groups called "Pretties" and "Uglies". No matter what we breed, we still are humans.

Do not call yourself ugly anymore because as I said " Making ourselves feel ugly is not fun.". Call yourself a human. The ones who call themselves pretties are humans,too. 

I know a place named Smoke. There are lots of people who refrain from taking the operation in Smoke.I encourage you to move there.It is a guarantee that they will accept us.It is also possible to live there without taking these egregious operations, so that we can live the life in a way that our ancestors lived. So I ask you: who is coming with me?

Source:            http://danibertrand.blogspot.com.tr/2014/10/top-ten-tuesday-book-places-we-want-to.html


  1. Very well friend I will meet you in Smoke!

  2. I agree wtih you. Pretties and uglies are humans. They should't discriminate each other.

  3. Pretties are not humans, they are puppets that the Pretty community controls!
